AAIME Membership Has Perks!

Get your business on track. Starting Now!

AAIME Membership Benefits

FREE Professional Management Consulting

Our practical business advice is customized for each person's individual situation. Everyone has someone to talk to when things are going well. We help when your business is not going so well.

But in order to keep management consulting FREE and fair for everyone, you receive one FREE hour of management consulting per week. You also receive up to one FREE hour of management consulting whenever you purchase business services. If you need more than one FREE hour of consulting but don't need to buy any business services, then you will be charged $90 per hour billed at $1.50 per minute.

AAIME has been helping people start and manage successful businesses since 1987. Our team helps businesses of all sizes improve their performance by providing expert advice and guidance on a wide range of topics, including strategy, operations, finance, and marketing. We also provide consulting on payroll services and employment matters, accounting services online and in person, and the easiest or simplest ways to reach your stated goals. 

People say that AAIME specializes in solving business problems. Take advantage of our knowledge!

Because everyone dreams: You may simply want to quit your job and have your own business. You could still be in corporate America, with a widget or an idea that you want to capitalize on. Maybe you’re an entrepreneur, managing and building a cash flow. Or you may run a family owned business.

Whatever your situation, information, advice based upon experience, Best Practices, support, or encouragement at the right time can work wonders. Bring your problems or questions to us by phone, email, or in-person. Free for Members in good standing. Call for more info 312 300-7489

Mobile Management Consulting

If you are looking for a management consulting firm that can help you improve your business AAIME can bring business management consulting to you. Call for an appointment. Cost starts at $90 per hour plus travel time.

FREE Member Networking

When Members seek out, and do business with one another, everyone benefits.

That’s why we will refer your business for FREE to other AAIME Members.

We also network you with fellow members so you can joint venture or take on bigger projects.

We can also refer you to insurance providers, attorneys and vendors whenever you need them.

Look us up on Instagram- aaime.business
Follow us & We will follow you back.

Follow us on Facebook
search AAIME Business Association

Infrequently (due to covid-19) we also sponsor networking events that you can attend. These events cover important business topics and are mostly free or nominal cost. Call for more info 312 300-7489

FREE Social Media Post

We will provide you with one Free post to either our Instagram or Facebook Business Page. Let us help you get the word out to the business community about your product or service!

FREE Non-Disclosure Agreement

Ask for a personalized, legally binding, Non-Disclosure Agreement customized with your business information. Valued at $55

Having a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement can be the difference between winning and losing in the business world today! Anytime you discuss Proprietary Information: Your Ideas, Processes, or formulas (something you have of value that is intangible) that, if stolen, could cause you monetary harm, you must insist upon the receiver's signature on your Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Anyone you negotiate with should also sign your Non-Disclosure Agreement. Signers cannot take information learned from you, and use it without you, for a period of three years.

Your signed Non-Disclosure Agreement is a VALUABLE, crucially important defensive weapon in today’s business world.

Read and understand it. Call us with any questions. Our Non-Disclosure Agreement is not guaranteed, but it can protect you. It is suitable for copying as necessary. Whenever your business information changes, we can also update your Agreement for you. Call for more info 312 300-7489

FREE Simple Business Plan

If you want help to wrap your head around what you want your business to achieve and how to do it, then you've come to the right place.

But, you must be willing to talk about your situation and allow us to advise you. Value of this service is $95 per hour.

Be prepared to take notes. We will tell you what needs to be done and how to do it. If you agree with our advice, then you must write down the plan and do the market research.

But you can bring a voice recorder to our meetings. In other words, we talk and you write.

We will tell you how to turn our discussions into a business plan that you can use yourself, present to investors, or take to the bank.

If you like we can also provide financial projections. The Cost for projections starts at $200 per year.

If you prefer, we can write the plan for you. The cost starts at $250 per page. Call for more info 312 300-7489

FREE Registered Agent Service (RAS)

Registered agent services are FREE for AAIME members NO MATTER HOW MANY LLCs OR CORPORATIONS YOU HAVE. Check the competition. This is a GREAT Deal! .

Note: Non-member Registered Agent services cost $75 per year for each corporation or LLC.

Our Registered Agent services are provided by New Link Access Corporation and Include
• Personal information privacy
• Stops the Illinois Secretary of State from contacting you at your home or office
• Saves the embarrassment of the Sheriff serving you with court summons
• Helps you avoid confusing, official looking, LLC or corporation related junk mail
• No worries about when and how to file your Annual Report
• A must have if your address changes a lot

We also fill out any LLC or corporation paperwork starting at $40.00. Now, there’s less to worry about!
• Pay $75 one-time to change over from your existing Registered Agent
• AAIME Members receive RAS  for Free with every new LLC or corporation bought from us!
• If you end AAIME Membership, but still want RAS, the cost is only $75/year per LLC and/or corporation

AAIME Membership definitely has BIG Benefits. RAS is a Dream ComeTrue! Call for more info 312 389-7489

Members Earn FREE Cash For Referrals

Spread the word about AAIME Membership and get paid! Here’s how it works: When you refer someone to us and they join AAIME, you receive $50.

If they buy something when they join, you also receive a 10% commission, up to another $50. That means, you can make up to $100 per referral!

It’s easy to send people to us. Have them call 312-300-7489 or email [email protected],

Proper credit: Either tell us you will be sending them, or just have them mention your name.

FREE Special Help For Contractors

Have you been asked to Certify your company’s minority, woman, or disabled ownership?

If you are unsure about whether or not you need to Certify your business ownership, you have options. First, understand that no matter what you may have been told, you do NOT have to become Certified in order to win business from the government.

For example, most major manufacturers do not have minority, woman or disabled ownership. But they still receive huge government contracts all the time.

But when they win a bid, they may have to find a minority, woman or disabled business set-aside partner.

That's because majority owned businesses do not get Certified.

Just like all majority owned businesses, if you do not Certify your minority, woman, or disabled business ownership, your business is assumed to be majority owned.

Therefore, anyone can bid as a non-Certified majority business!

Go this route to test the waters. This is the simplest and least expensive way to find out whether Government contracting will be profitable for you.

However, if you win, because your minority, woman, or disabled ownership status has not been Certified, you may need to seek out a set-aside partner. That's the time to get Certified.

If you want to Certify your Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Woman owned Business Enterprise (WBE), or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) status, we can do the paperwork for you, answer your questions and help you provide required documents. Call for more info 312 300-7489

FREE Special Help For Non-Profits

AAIME Business Association is proud to be a non-profit helping other non-profits, as well as small businesses! 

AAIME membership is a BIG benefit for you here! Because AAIME will mentor you for FREE for every step of your journey from community based organization, to 501c3 charitable organization.

We can take your organization wherever you want it to go. From just a founder with a vision, to a 501c3 organization able to accept worldwide donations! Or anywhere in between.

All of our work is Guaranteed!

Members with a non-profit organization, who do not have a 501c3 (i.e., an IRS tax exemption making donations to your organization tax deductible for the giver) should follow these steps to qualify for one.

1.) If you are a founder with a vision. First start working your vision with the goal of finding at least two other like minded individuals over the age of 18 to join you as directors of a non-profit corporation. It doesn't matter if they are family members or even if they are not located in the same area that you are.

Because in most States you must have at least three adult directors to form a non-profit corporation. You need a non-profit corporation in order to apply for 501c3 status.

Note: Until you form a non-profit corporation in your State you are considered a community based organization.

2.) As a community based organization, if you want to receive donations, and If you qualify, AAIME can act as your Fiscal Sponsor so that you can receive tax deductible donations, grants, etc. Fiscal Sponsorship costs $500 plus 5% of funds we process for you.

3.) Once you begin soliciting funds from the general public, you must register with the State Attorney General where you are soliciting. Cost is $375.

4.) The next step is to become a non-profit corporation. We can file your corporate paperwork with your State. Cost is $405.50

5.) Once your non-profit corporation is up & runnning with your State, you are ready to apply for 501c3 Charitable Organization status. AAIME can prepare your 501c3 application. Cost starts at $500

6.) You can even use your FREE management Consulting to learn how to find and apply for Grants for your organization!
Join Now! Call for more info 312 300-7489

FREE Paperwork Assurance

Very Important- For the duration of your AAIME Membership, and even for three years after we have not heard from you, or received a Member Renewal Fee from you, we will keep a safe back-up copy of any work we have done for you (your Paperwork.)

Paperwork Backup is a Big FREE Member Benefit!*

With Paperwork Backup, if you move around, don’t worry. If you run into problems such as a fire, flood, messy divorce, etc., you have no concerns. If you become sick, or need to step away from the business for any reason, there is still no problem. Because AAIME has your important paperwork backed up “safe & sound.” As long as you come back within 3 years, your paperwork that we have done for you will still be here. *NOTE: Paperwork Backup is NOT Guaranteed.

Our Paperwork Assurance- All work done right the first time, or we make it right at no additional charge.

If you have ever spent hours looking for important papers, or for the right people to prepare them for you, then you already know the value of peace of mind. You get it with your AAIME membership.

Trust AAIME to understand your needs. We’ve got you covered now, and into the future! Call for more info 312 300-7489

FREE Networking With The Member Newsletter

Look for AAIME’s FREE Member Newsletter via email the last Monday of each month.

It has ‘news you can use’ to help your business. Read it in order to reach your business goals faster.

If you have an announcement, product, or service you want AAIME Members and the community to know about, email it to [email protected], then call the Association office to confirm.

You can also broadcast your business for Free in our Member Corner newsletter section. member Corner allows you to have pictures a price list and up to 150 words to talk about you and your business.

We also promote you for Free with our 2 Weeks of Fame on our Instagram page- aaime.business. Two Weeks of Fame includes us coming to your business location as long as it is not in your home. We will take pictures with you and your products/services as well as a picture with Paul Perry the founder of AAIME (if available.)

We will put your message in the Member Newsletter for FREE! Notices received by noon on the 5th will be published the same month. Call for more info 312 300-7489

Free Tax Write-off

AAIME is a 501c3 charitable organization. Our Mission is to help you Have a Good Business with No Stress!

We give our FREE support one-on-one, and sell discounted business services so that you get ahead.

If you are doing well from our help, please Donate to AAIME! Pay it forward TODAY, so that the help you've received will be around to help others. You will receive a generous tax deduction!

Put us in your Will. You'll be helping fellow AAIME members who are less fortunate or just starting out. Think about it.

Remember, donating to AAIME gives a Gift That Keeps On Giving! Thanks! Call for more info 312 300-7489

A gold VIP AAIME Membership card with the business association logo on the card


Discover the Benefits!


Quick Benefits of AAIME
Membership Call for more info 312 300-7489

Check out some of our most popular AAIME Member benefits!

Networking by phone, email, in person, & Social.
• IG: aaime.business
• FB: AAIME Business Association

AAIME stands for American Association of Independent and Minority Enterprises. When you become an AAIME Member, you are one of the minority and/or independent business owners under our umbrella.

Our Association's strength is our members. We always try to introduce members to one another and refer you to members who may want to use your products or services.

In return we ask only that you
1. Professionally perform your service(s) and/or provide  your product(s) and
2. Be responsible & Follow through before and after the sale.

Professional Management Consulting 

All Members  receive FREE management consulting during our open business hours, by phone, email, text, or by apointment.

Time is not the issue. Cost is unimportant.

You gaining a clear understanding in order to
• Save time
• Save money
• Run your business better, is Job #1.

Member Newsletter

You receive a free monthly newsletter to help you keep up with business owner news you need to know!

You will receive it via email on the last Monday of each month.

If you have an announcement, product or service you want fellow AAIME members and the community to know about, email it to [email protected] then call 312-300-7489 to confirm. We will put your message in the newsletter for free.

Registered Agent Services (RAS)

If you  Incorporate, or start a Limited Liability Company (LLC), you can receive AAIME's RAS for FREE for the life of your membership!

RAS takes care of three things:

•  Your questions
• Official corporation mail. and
•  In Illinois, Lawsuits and sheriff summons

One-time cost if we didn't set-up your corp. or LLC is $75 plus the Secretary of State's fee. Do your research. RAS savings is HUGE!

Business Set-up

LLC costs $390 & includes 
 • All fees
 • Articles of Organization
• Everything you need to open your LLC bank account!

C corporation costs $655.50 & includes
• All fees
• Articles of Incorporation
• Everything you need to open your Corp. bank account!
• Customized corporate meetings
• Custom printed stock certificates
• Corporation records book with corporate seal  $155 plus shipping
S corporation  $755.50

Non-Profit Organizations

Members with a non-profit organization but no 501(c)(3) (official notification from the IRS that donations to your organization are tax-deductible for the giver) have Fantastic Options.

• We will answer your non-profit questions for free.
• We can act
as your Fiscal Sponsor so that you can receive Donations TODAY. Cost is $500 PLUS 5%.
• We can prepare your 501(c)(3) application.
• We can prepare your State Attorney General Registration.
• We can prepare your non-profit taxes. 

FREE Paperwork Backup

When we do work for you, or you send us important papers, we will try to keep a copy for you. 

This can be a stress and money saver!

Because anyone can have a fire, flood, have a bad divorce or breakup etc. and lose valuable documents. 

We keep a copy of your important papers for three years after the work is done.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Having a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement can be the difference between winning and losing in the business world today.

Use a Non-Disclosure Agreement anytime you are discussing Proprietary Information: Your Ideas, processes, or products that, if stolen, could cause you monetary harm. Once signed, the agreement protects you and/or your business for three years.

Personal Tax Services

AAIME members pay only $75 for US 1040 plus $25 for each additional form, such as a Schedule C or your state tax return.

Business Taxes-1% of taxable income, plus bookkeeping, minimum $350.


• Need a General Contractor's license? $390
• Want to Certify Minority, Woman, or Disadvantaged ownership? $390 to start

We answer your questions for free, fill-out your application, & help with required forms.


Gain a full understanding of how payroll works for FREE. Pay your employees and independent contractors by Direct Deposit. Payroll taxes & Forms e-Filed for FREE. Cost is only $37.50 each payday (minimum 2 paydays per month or $45 for one payday) for each 10 employees and or contractors. Save Time and Money!

Referral Rewards  

We know that your trust is won based on performance and built over time. When you refer someone to AAIME Business Association you can receive up to $100.


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